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Old German

Old German is a cheap 4.2% ABV beer from Pittsburgh Brewing Company. Here is the story of this beer and the little finger pointer featured on the label, from Pittsburgh Brewing Co.'s website:

"Little Herman the German grew up watching his Opa and Omi brew beer in their single story stone-cottage located in Hamburg, Germany. What started as a hobby soon turned into a local phenomenon after neighbors and friends tasted their charming concoction. As demand increased, a family promise was made to never let money or admiration get in the way of the rich beer taste. Herman's Opa and Omi got older, as people do, and could no longer keep up with the demand for their easy drinking lager. Eventually Herman the German took over the family business and kept his Opa and Omi's life-long promise by sharing his family's original recipe with the world at an affordable price."

At first Old German tastes okay, like most basic cheap beers, but once you hit the halfway point it goes downhill fast, and the swill is absolutely horrendous. The alcohol content doesn't even make the trip worthwhile. Overall 3.5/10 swills for resulting in black throw-up.

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